First, you must remember that every photo or digital artwork must have 1 point that catches the viewer’s attention. It doesn’t matter if you deal with magic (not to be confused with occultism) or surreal composition.
It can be (and mostly is) the face or the eyes, but it can also be any other spot, that is, the leitmotif of the canvas. When too many points catch the visitor’s attention, your artwork loses its charm and may lack the zest it would otherwise have with fewer accents on the canvas. So the first thing you must remember is that in art, mostly, less is more.
The second thing to bear in mind is the depth of the field. When you concentrate your look on a certain point, the rest becomes a little blurred in your vision, primarily if the rest of the objects lie far behind. This is what we call — the depth of field. In other words, the human face cannot be just as sharp in the picture as the background house that appears to be a few miles behind the figure.
Although this isn’t always true, we have different variations of art (and sometimes the unusual is the best-looking surreal concept!) In this Photoshop Tutorial, I am giving this little info so you will understand WHY we blur specific points and why we play with light the way we do.
Get started.
We were working on a rather big canvas; we started with a 1024px × 764px new layer, as these were the dimensions of our base image. However, you may feel more comfortable working with smaller or bigger images.
Take the Image with fence and sand and paste it onto your Canvas:

Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool, crop out and delete the sky and water upper half of the layer:
Don’t worry about the rough, unnatural layer; we will work this out later.
The next step is to take the Image with the sky (from our ingredients list) and paste it on top of the previous layer with sand. Using the Eraser Tool with a small soft brush, remove the lower part so that you will have an image consisting of sky and sand, just as you see below:
The way our image looks now, it’s very far from being an organically blended scene, so let’s start combining the layers into one another.
To make the sand less cheery, the easiest way is to simply match colors with the clouds, so this is precisely what we will do. While the sand layer is selected, go to Image>> Adjustments >> Match Color and apply the following settings:
If you have already unselected, select the layer with sand again and go to Curves. Using the RGB channel, darken the Image by dragging the curve down somewhere in the middle. We used Output: 113 and Input:143.
This will give our Image a pleasant tone. The next step is to select the sky layer and go to Curves again, create a small point at the bottom, and drag the RGB channel’s curve down to make the sky darker.
Yet we got a much better-toned canvas, but still, it is very well visible that the Image consists of 2 different pieces, even if these pieces match way better in Color than before.
We will use an ancient trick to merge the horizon lines of both layers. Create a new layer and, using a big, soft brush (we are working with Brush Tool, in case I didn’t make myself clear), choose a black color and paste it over the horizon line, including the sand area outside the fence.
After you have brushed over that area, set this layer to”Soft Light,” you will have a much darker illusion as the view gets farther…

Next, we want to create an extremely mild HDR effect for the wood, so we will create a new layer above the rest of the files, but below the dark layer, we will brush it with black. Please pay attention because the sequence is essential. We will not be working with masked layers throughout this tutorial.
Once that layer is created, click on the little “black and white” icon at the end of your layers palettes, which allows you to create a new fill or layer adjustment. Select “Exposure” settings. You will have a new layer with exposure settings made:
Using the “white” droplet, drag the Gamma Correction up to 0.82. See how the wood looks now as if it’s been exposed to moonlight! Isn’t it beautiful?
To accompany that bright path we the middle, create a new layer a, nd uscreate a spot in the middle ing your Brush Tool, white Color a,, nd a substantial soft brush (say, 300 pixels), create a place in the middle.
This spot should be placed above all the other layers and with blending mode set to Overlay:
Next, please take out your free stock photo with flying balloons and crop them out. Don’t worry if cropping isn’t perfect, because once you place them on your canvas, we will resize them to aa small size,, and any imperfections will be blurred naturally.
Once they are on the canvas, you will notice they look misplaced and need something to blend them nicely. The easiest solution (and please bear in mind that our tutorial is targeted at beginners) is to add clouds that will “cover” the balloons, effortlessly blending them into the composition.
So, create a new layer and go to Filter >> Render >> Clouds. With your background color set to Black and your foreground set to White (this is important!) — create clouds.
Once the clouds layer is ready, press Ctrl + T and drag the bottom line upwards, “compressing” the clouds into a smaller strap, about half the canvas. Set the blending mode of the clouds layer to “Pin Light.” This way, you will only see the WHITE areas of the clouds and won’t see the black areas.
Move the clouds in a way that will allow the white areas in clouds to lay over the balloon; this way, we can see that the balloons are floating somewhere in the area, partly obscured by the heavy sky… Use the Eraser Tool with a soft edge to remove any edges of the cloud layer once it’s moved, and you can also duplicate that layer and make a few of them, so you will have a more cloudy effect (which is what we have done).

Next, crop our beautiful Becca.
The cropping technique will not be explained here as being pretty much essential. Still, we want to emphasize that if you use our particular Image, the cropping will be rather complicated since, at some points (such as arms), the contrast between skin and background is minimal, which makes the cropping rather tricky. We had to use a few steps to complete this task. First, we used the Polygonal Lasso Tool and the Magnetic Lasso Tool, and then we “refined edges” as pictured below.
Place the girl on the canvas and seize her so she will fit in nicely.
To add our contrast to the Image, we want to make the clothes texture more visible and less dark areas yet without losing the overall contrast and juiciness of the Image, so with the girl’s Image selected, we went to Image>> Adjustments >> Curves, and created a custom curve that consists from 3 points, as pictured here:
Next, we need a shadow underneath her legs. Draw a circle using the round shape tool and black Color as your foreground Photoshop color. Ensure it’s placed correctly underneath her feet and has an elliptical shape.
Rasterize the layer and go to Filter >> Blur >> Gaussian Blur
Set the shadow’s opacity to multiply 57%, and you will see that the shadow is mildly visible yet it is present and gives a more realistic illusion of jumping or flying in the air. Please also ensure you place the shadow underneath the girl’s Image!
Final Steps…
Although most of the colors we used here blended in well and eventually created an organically looking picture, we still need to equalize the layers. What some people do, and I used to do it myself in previous tutorials, is to merge all the layers or even flatten the Image and then work on the colorization and the levels. This is very easy and perhaps will do the trick with most beginners, but even if you are not yet that much of a pro with Photoshop, you need to learn how to work with Layer Adjustments.
In your layers’ panel, you have a small icon below that looks like a Yin-Yang symbol.

Create a new layer on top of all the other layers, and click this icon; you have a menu with various options; select “Photo Filter” first.
Use the default “Warming Filter (85), which I think is best for any picture if you want a quick and warm effect, and set the Density to about 25%. The rule of thumb is that if we use warm colors such as brown, pink, and earthly shades, we will give our composition a warm feeling (which is our aim here!); however, if you want to make your outcome look colder, dreadful, dramatic and morbid, use shades of blue and green.
Once this is done, you still have a layer selected that is on top of all the others; click the Layer Adjustments icon again, determine “photo filter” one more time, and this time apply a plain yellow color filter with 48% density.
Most of you might want to stop here, but we want to make this Image look fabulous, so we click the Layer Adjustments icons again; this time, we pick the “Curves.” This will apply the Curve settings to ALL the layers underneath these settings, which is a massive advantage as you need not go layer by layer.
Make two points that will brighten up the Image quite dramatically. Note that we are working with the RGB channel.
Now, the final touch is to give our composition a light, lightly cold touch; as we spoke before, a bit of green hue will do this trick. So yes, we will again click on the Layer Adjustments and select the RED channel. Darken the Image a bit, using two points…
That’s it! I hope you enjoyed the tutorials, and please feel free to download the PSD file for learning purposes (1024 x 764). You can also replace the model of our tutorial with your Image, and you will have all the effects already in place. Click on the image below to view it fully.
Once you purchase the PSD and complete the checkout, click the “return to merchant’s website” button, and the download will start automatically. If you have any problems, please comment below, and I will email you the file within 24 hours.
Very nice the tutorial.
for ever I love u
Namasthe!! its realy helps to fresher designer, i will try this
thank you
i think same like u. it was great tutorial 😀
Nice tutorial! I really like your attention to lighting and vanishing points.
Thanks Tom! 😉
i saw u r blog.nice tutorial
Am I missing something, or did you forget the wings? I can’t find either the picture or at which step you added them.
Sorry if I missed something.
No, you are not missing anything, I DID! lol, please see my comment above about that step 🙂
[…] = 300; google_ad_height = 250; Lately, after the success of my previous Photoshop Tutorial “Fallen Angel’s Dream Fly“, I got an interesting email from a girl saying that she admires my art and style, but she […]
thank you so much for writing this tutorial. It is really easy and it taught me some new features, like the match color option and the painting of black on a new layer to make the picture darker in areas. Great job!
thanks for the feedback!
lol, I don’t see the ‘wings’ layer either. But this tutorial is still handy, even if you learn only one thing. Which I did, the steps to make the shadow underneath will save me a lot of ‘undo’ moments. It’s an “Ah-ha!” moment for me. So thank you. I enjoy your tuts, they are exactly the things I’m looking for [[fantasy art]]. Please keep sharing!!
thanks Tiffy! Looks like I have indeed totally missed the wings step, damn. Basically these are brushes with wings which I added, I already explained this step (didn’t forget) on my other tutorial so you can follow the details about wings there, which is pretty identical except that here they are black and not white.
and here are the brushes:
Glad you liked the shadow part, always good to be helpful 🙂
u blog is beautiful.
Yeah really this is awesome
this is really amazing work, do you do album covers?
Looks nice, although it’d help your workflow if you started using masks. Don’t destroy pixels with the eraser tool, there’ll come a time when you need them back 😉
Daniel Meadows Retouching and Digital Art
interesting stuff.. i gonna use these. thanks. 🙂
Paid through paypal – never got the file. What gives?
Hi, thanks for the purchase! When you hit the “return to merchant’s website” button, download should have started automatically, but if this didn’t happen, you should have in any way received an email with auto response saying that if you haven’t received a tutorial, you just need to send back a response and it will be emailed to you.
Anyway, I just checked your email here and located your purchase on PayPal, so the files were emailed to you, please check your inbox 🙂
Never received the file via “automatic download” and the tutorial never mentions the steps for adding the wings. Awesome! . . .eh, not so much. I want my dollar back.
Come on, you are not done with the person in this photo soup. Nice work on the picture though…
please send me this file by email because I coud’nt download it
Thanks for your purchase, I just sent the files to your paypal email.
Great tutorial. THANKS from Holland
It’s always a relief when someone with obvious epxrestie answers. Thanks!
CyPsFo fvaybnbgnsgw
9sIsdg csjfketpxspq
Just wanted to say thanks for this post!
Your blog is an awesome resource! Pretty sure you are going to have a good read
Great tutorial !!
hello,everyone, i am the new member here
Hmm is it just me or do this tut not tell what to do whit the wings on it :S?
awesome tutorial.
one question: which version of photoshop is the tutorial for? sadly, i’m unable to select “exposure” via the “black and white circle” on the layer palate (create new fill/layer) since it is missing from my CS2 version of photoshop. any tips?
Impressive piece of art work the final result. Pretty good tutorial!
I have been using the Autum Web template that used to be at for the past three years in my beginning Web Design class. Now I can not find it. Can you direct me to where it is at?
Thank you,
Dan Getty
Battle Ground High School
Great tutorial…
like it a lot
[…] Bildinhalte beziehen, denn in beiden Kompositionen sind mystische Gestalten zu sehen. Das Tutorial Design Surreal Composition Fallen Angel’s Dream Fly zeigt einen dunklen Engel in den Dünen. Übrigens ist da auch das Webdesign […]
Really nice! 🙂 just finish the tuto and looks great 😀
I the end result and i appreciate your work and the lady in the photograph.
Really good work and inspiring me
fantastic! thank you very much for this tut!
[…] could refer to the images‘ content, because both compositions show mythical beings. The tutorial Design Surreal Composition Fallen Angel’s Dream Fly shows a dark angel in the dunes. By the way, the web design in this case is also well worth […]
Beautiful picture it is nice to see artist share how their work was created. I’m a Corel user but its just a matter of translating it.
you are really amazing artist..and its good to see artist sharing how best work can be done…thank you very much..I am also update my collection please do check…
Nice final image and a good tutorial !
I’m glad I discovered your site 🙂 I think I’ll write some tutorials for you (and I hope you’ll like them).
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[…] Design Surreal Composition Fallen Angel’s Dream Fly […]
[…] Design Surreal Composition Fallen Angel’s Dream Fly […]
[…] Design Surreal Composition Fallen Angel’s Dream Fly […]
[…] Design Surreal Composition Fallen Angel’s Dream Fly […]
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Awesome. I really liked how the final outcome looks. It looks really polished and surreal and mystical!! It serves as an inspiration for my logo actually. I tried using this concept on my logo but it somehow looked a little bit “off”. Haha. I can’t get it to look as good as yours. Gave up after trying for days. Finally decided to use the professional services of an online logo design site instead after googling for one ( and finally got the logo I wanted at an affordable price and fast too. I did show the designer the link to your site to explain how I wanted the logo to like. Lesson learned. I’m not going to design a logo without any professional help although it’s somewhat fun. Anyway, thanks for the cool tutorial…
Really nice work………
Hello Friend…..
I Really Impressed To Watch Yout Tutorial.First Think I Like Your Design Not Even In Single Blog All Site Design & Template Is So Good.
I Need More Design,Templates,Banner Ads Design,Logo Design,Web Design Template And Many More.
So Keep Sharing……..
Thanking You.
Nice tutorial…
like it….!
HI !
Cool effect I will certainly be useful to my new project.
i’ve even won for a photo of a day with this tutorial
tnx aloooooooot!
I paid for a PSD copy of Design Surreal Composition Fallen Angel’s Dream Fly file on paypal this morning and it did not let me return for the download.
Don Reeder
[…] […]
Wow great posting! Thanks for sharing.
good tutorial. I like your step by step posting. Thanks.
Great site. A lot of useful information here. I’m sending it to some friends!
I was inspired by the effect. It simply looked awesome. I did give this link to my graphic designer from LogoDesignStation as a reference to how I wanted my business card to look like. Surprisingly, the design came out better than expected! It was really good all thanks to you! Even my friends were impressed…
Still have not received my PSD file!
@Don, I emailed you now, sorry for the delay. I looked up your email and i can’t find your purchase ID though.
If anyone else is experiencing a problem with download (which in most cases starts automatically), please email me — this is the fastest way to get a response.
how do you create something like this
out of a given picture?
amazing photo montage techniques in this beautiful tutorials.
Still no PSD file and I emailed you a copy of the Pay Pal transaction. By the way I see no mention of the creation of the wings in the tutorial.
Don Reeder
I’ve recently started a blog, the information you provide on this site has helped me tremendously. Thank you for all of your time & work.
Very nice post. best regards
[…] Design Surreal Composition Fallen Angel’s Dream Fly […]
I have attempted to leave a comment on this blog but every time I try the form times out the screen or provides an error. Can the author could possibly check into why it keeps messing up?
Hello, Does anyone know the blog TutoTop? Looking for a tutorial on usenet, they told me there was one interesting! Thank you in advance!
Hello, Does anyone know the blog TutoTop? Looking for a tutorial on newsgroups, they told me there was one super! Thank you in advance!
Really helpful tutorial for graphics designer.
Beautiful work and very helpful
In the seventh image I very confused
.. can you help me please?
and to become more clear
because I do not know English well
And I am new to photoshop. Thank you very much.
This is the best tutorial I have ever seen. I sent in the money like you asked. Thanks for making my day. Freddie J. Smitty
Hello , i am new in your site and I can not understand because I’m very beginner.
why my own clouds are black and not white? What to do?
What a great resource!
Thanks, really good tips…
I just pay for the PSD, but the download don’t start.
Please send me a link.
Paul – sorry for the delay, I emailed you the file now, thanks and enjoy!
[…] Design Surreal Composition Fallen Angel’s Dream Fly […]
For me personally, this has already happened. Phone, internet, and TV come out of the same small blinky box, and are all accessible through my computer. I have different hardware on the ends of the cables, but the fact that it all comes from one access point pretty much signals the end of differentiation between devices.
Basically, I have a “home device” and an “away device”, and the only difference is the size of the screen.
Awesome Tutorial!. Well, do this website have tutorials on making human into monster or a Goddess or a warrior. Please reply asap. It is for a school project.
I’ve always been interested in working with wings, and I’d like to add wings to my own version of this piece. However, I don’t seem to see the part of that in your tutorial. Could you possibly email me how you did that? My email is Please and thank you! 😀
Thanks for a great few hours well spent, I’m tottaly buzzing now I’ve just finished my first real project. Bring them all on, I’m hoocked
Creativity at the best level
it was great experience I had before…..
I am beginner I grasped very much
It is really a great collection of nice photo shop…keep it up this great suggestion.
Thank you very much for the information great post, found it on Yahoo.
I was able to downlod the file, but it was corrupted and would not open.
very nice programe
i want this file for enjoyment the photo
Wow!! wonderful tut, and wonderful style of work 🙂 carry on sky is the limit.
Excellent work.
Hi I just pay the PSD file but It dint download
Unique Transaction ID #2HV936570P979233G
Please send the link
nice tutorial & design.
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Hi, Thanks for the info. I love the tutorial.
Very nice the tutorial and thank you
I’m trying to find a photoshop tutorial that features a dark (almost black) face with bright eyes… and keep getting linked to this tutorial. Can you send the link to the face & eyes tutorial? Thanks!
Nevermind… found it on the website… Thank you for the tutorial!
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Thanks for tutorial, very useful!
Great tutorial !! Thanks for the
Great tutorial !! Thanks for the
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[…] Surealisme: Bidadari Turun ke Bumi […]
Thank you, sure I will practice your steps, the final result looks great. Very useful.
Great information you provide. Exactly why these people specify per-written I could not point out
not setisfied
Where is the reset of the tutorial at???
I thought the image is suppose to look like this:
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[…] Design Surreal Composition Fallen Angel’s Dream Fly […]
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Good! Very nice ! I’m very like!
i want this file for enjoyment the photo.
Thank you, sure I will practice your steps, the final result looks great. Very useful.
[…] Design Surreal Composition Fallen Angel’s Dream Fly […]
I did not see the part where you add the wings? I am a beginer, and was looking forward to that part. Could any one help me? Other than that one of the best detailed tutorials I have ever read!
Wow! Very nice ! looking Great.
[…] you can achieve something similar by following Lorelei’s tutorial here… […]
[…] Design Surreal Composition Fallen Angel’s Dream Fly […]
[…] Tutorial : Design Surreal Composition Fallen Angel’s Dream Fly […]
Great trick, I will follow your steps, just needed an image like this one, thank you.
Dear Lorelei , thank you for the useful tutorial, even a novice like me can follow your steps and get a professional final results. Thanks from Peru.
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[…] Surealisme: Bidadari Turun ke Bumi […]
I payed by PayPal but I got a message that de zip-file didn’t exists.
Please send it to me by email
Thanks in advance,
[…] my favorite tutorials found here:… 0 Comments – Leave a comment! « Previous […]
[…] Surreal Composition Fallen Angel with Photoshop First thing you need to remember that every photo or digital artwork must have 1 point that catches the viewer’s attention. […]
Creativity at the best step. I will practice your steps, the final result looks great. Very useful. thnks
[…] 5. Design Surreal Composition Fallen Angel’s Dream Fly: […]
[…] Fallen Angel’s Dream Fly […]
Excellent Tutorial. Do you have any tutorials using the Gimp software?
[…] Design Surreal Composition Fallen Angel’s Dream Fly In this tutorial we’ll learn how to design a surreal composition of an angel: […]
[…] Design Surreal Composition Fallen Angel’s Dream Fly […]
My dream girl is angel. Liked it and appreciate for a nice design.
[…] Surealisme: Bidadari Turun ke Bumi […]
[…] Design Surreal Composition Fallen Angel’s Dream Fly […]
[…] Surealisme: Bidadari Turun ke Bumi […]
[…] Ver el tutorial. […]
[…] Composición surreal. Ángel caído. […]
[…] of my favorite tutorials found here:… […]
[…] Ein Tag am Strand Bild von pumpkincat210 Dies ist eine äußerst photos Bild von mir. Ich bin innen und es hätte besser machen können, aber ich war einfach vertraut mir mit einigen der Werkzeuge.meiner Lieblings-Tutorials finden Sie hier: / 2010/01/25 / Design-surreal-compositio … […]
[…] War Composition Create a Mixed Media Masterpiece in Photoshop Making a Color Wizard in Photoshop Design Surreal Composition Fallen Angels Dream Fly Create a Colorful Deep Water […]
[…] Fallen Angels Dream Fly […]
Nice work on super real composition. It creates magical effect. Thank you for sharing.
Excellent work. I’m really appreciate for this design. its really creative work.
Excellent Photoshop work. And also useful & helpful post. Thanks
cool and very
[…] Surealisme: Bidadari Turun ke Bumi […]
Magnificent Tutorial!. All things considered, do this site have instructional exercises on making human into creature or a Goddess or a warrior. If it’s not too much trouble answer asap. It is for a school venture.
excellent design, thanks for such a very nice design, highly creative plus informative, thanks for sharing with us, really very helpful stuff.
Highly creative design, thanks for such a very nice tutorial, excellent stuff, thanks a lot for sharing with us. keep it up.
You provide details information about editing. Its really helpful to me and also Nice Work and Fantastic Tutorial for people want to learn Photo Editing and interested in Graphic Design.
It’s really nice tutorial. Anyone can learn this thing easily form this tutorial.
Thanks for such kind of tutorial.
[…] 15. Surealisme: Bidadari Turun Ke Bumi […]
It’s really great and highly creative tutorial. Really easy to practice. thanks so much. I love it.
[…] Surealisme: Bidadari Turun Ke Bumi […]
Nice tutorial admin, very love it. Can i try?
Thanks! Your guidance and tips are important and we appreciate your efforts for sharing this great information.
Hell guy,
Creative things you have made and shared with us . I’m impressed after seeing this post . Keep continue sharing such nice post .
Nice tutorial, thx 😀
this is really amazing work, do you do album covers?
Awesome!Thanks a lot for this effective tutorial.
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Great trick, I will follow your steps, just needed an image like this one, thank you.
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Nice photo manipulation tutorial. It was really so helpful for me. Thanks a lot for sharing with us
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First of all thanks fro sharing this article its great information. Nice post on Manipulation
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Lot of Photoshop tutorials I have read on photo manipulation. I am really impressed to this tutorial. I just want to include one thing “Without excercise, practise and experience, the talent is of no use” and You did it. Thank you.
I must thank you for sharing this useful topic. Really a worth reading post ! it explains it all so easliy ! thank you for sharing this article !!
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Really a helpful post forever. I believe that it will help with my next project.
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What a fantastic tutorial. Many many thanks for sharing with us.
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