As readers of this site will be well aware, web design is a complex and multifaceted field. So much consideration goes into the design of a successful website, and this behind-the-scenes work is what makes a site really jump off the screen and attract visitors. For newcomers to the field, the breadth of the tasks necessary for good web design can seem extremely daunting.

Don’t worry! Learning to design websites is a gradual process that involves the slow acquisition of a broad skillset. The best web designers take years to hone their craft. Here are four essential aspects to consider when building a website.


Hacking is, unfortunately, a serious concern for any business or organization that owns a website. Everything from customer data to bank details are potentially up for grabs if nefarious actors can find a way to compromise website security. Web designers should always incorporate security measures that stop third parties from making changes to a site. Multi-phase authentication is a classic example of this that can be easily incorporated into your design from the ground up. 

Equally important is the constant auditing of code to ensure that no vulnerabilities are present that can be exploited. Code security can be outsourced to companies like


Navigability is one of the most important aspects of web design. Users need to be able to logically and simply find their way to where they want to be. All too often, designers create digital labyrinths that visitors are forced to wonder. Visitors always have the choice to leave a site if they feel in any way confused, annoyed or lost when visiting it. It is up to the web designer to make sure that the user experience is seamless. 

Artistic Direction

The way a website looks is extremely important. The internet is primarily a visual medium, and visitors will make snap decisions about a website almost entirely based upon how it looks. Web users have developed a complex system of judgment triggers based on societal and aesthetic frames. Consistency is key when designing a website. Find out what the aim of the site you are designing is. Who should it speak to? What frames of reference should it fit into? Once you have answered these questions you can come up with an artistic direction for your site. If at all possible, do not deviate from this direction. 

Ease of Maintenance

Websites should not be static entities. They should be able to grow and be updated. Maintenance is pretty much essential if a website is to avoid becoming vulnerable to hacking or out of touch with potential visitors. This means that ease of maintenance should be of great concern to any budding web designer. Website maintainability can be achieved through the careful selection (or design) of sensible and accessible templates, the careful logging of administrative activity and following a logical build process. 

As you can see, website design is a complex and time-consuming task, but with these four tips, you’re best positioned to forge ahead.