Design a Mystical Miniature Scene with a Fairy Girl - PS Tutorials Lorelei Web Design

Now turn each Difference layer to 70% Opacity. This will leave the layers in a soft shadow. Now take a soft brush eraser set to 20 % opacity and remove all areas you want light to hit making sure to preserve any where a shadow will hit. If you were to turn everything off and only left the difference layers up this is what it should look like.

Design a Mystical Miniature Scene with a Fairy Girl - PS Tutorials Lorelei Web Design

However with all the layers on it looks like this. Lastly add your moss layers. Place then where you want. Again use a 20 % opacity eraser to erase a little at a time to soften the edges and blend then in with the rest of the pic.

Design a Mystical Miniature Scene with a Fairy Girl - PS Tutorials Lorelei Web Design

And you’re done! If you have any question do ask!

Design a Mystical Miniature Scene with a Fairy Girl - PS Tutorials Lorelei Web Design