Travel website design is complicated since the experience created for the visitor should be as dynamic as possible. There are many different tips that can be offered and people will tell you what should be done while letting you what should not be done. The problem in most cases is not creating that perfect experience. It is really important that you make the correct choices. Just as when you create a blog, the way in which you design your travel website is going to have a huge impact on the sales or the commissions generated in the future. Are you a real traveler? You probably also need the best carry-on luggage but that is something we will discuss in another post.
Below you will find some design mistakes that absolutely need to be avoided with travel websites. Make sure that you do not make them and always remember to test changes you make so you see if the results are as you initially imagined them to be.
Using Fluffy Taglines
Travel websites normally have some descriptive taglines. This is natural since travel is an overall creative industry. In a try to get some extra visitors and win them over, descriptive taglines appear. If you talk with the highly experienced designers you will see that the use of way too many adjectives actually hurts your campaign. Using front information on the page instead of this urge creation is much better. Descriptive words normally make people uncomfortable and they may not even want to spend more time on your website.
Overloading With Information
You want to be sure you always offer the correct information while refraining to offer way too much information. People will not really want to go through a lot of information. This only makes the experience a lot more frustrating than what it should be. You want to put your call of action on your home page so that it will be noticed by all the users. Also, be sure checkout will be fast and simple since you can easily overdo it there too.
Using Music On The Travel Website
It is weird to see so many travel websites that use music. The trend is much more prevalent than it should be. You want to be sure that you eliminate this or do not use it in the first place. That is because music on most sites out there will make the experience of the visitor totally unenjoyable. Conversions will instantly be a lot lower than what they should be. Most visitors will simply close the site from the start.
Navigation And Search
These two are so much more important than what many site owners think. In absolutely all industries we need to have these two working properly but in the travel industry this is even more important. Most site visitors will end up on a page that does not include the desired information. Because of this you want to be sure that they are going to be able to navigate to the page that shows them what they want to see. Also, you want to be able to offer a search feature that will actually deliver the best content suitable based on what people look for.