Once upon a time, building a website was costly and it could take a long time to get the results you wanted. Nowadays you can be up and running in a matter of hours, depending on how much detail you want included on your website and how basic you want it. It does not have to cost a lot to build your own website even if you aren’t exactly tech savvy. Here is why making your own website has never been easier in 2018.
Website Builders

If you want to make a website, all you need to do is visit Google and type in how to make a website and there are millions of results instantly. There are endless websites that you can use that will build your website for you, whether you want it personalized or to use templates. If you aren’t good with computers there are a variety of options available to meet each client’s individual needs. A lot include drag and drop features and have thousands of templates to get started, all you need is your logo, pictures to add to the website and any text you want on the site. Many of these website builders also offer a free trial therefore you can see if you can use it before you purchase anything. If you really have no idea with computers, get help from a friend or family member or it may be worth hiring someone to ensure your website is made properly and to the standard you want. Your website represents you and should appeal to your customers, therefore it is important you are happy with the end result.

There are so many how-tos and tutorials on website building when you use any search engine that you won’t be stuck for information, tips and help from how to write your first post, learn HTML and even on how to improve WordPress performence. Whether you follow step-by-step instructions better or prefer watching videos, those handy internet goers have tips for everyone building their own website! Even if you don’t know the first thing about building a website (you aren’t the only one) there are hundreds of tutorials on where to begin, meaning you should be able to build your own website regardless of your technical skills, all you need to do is follow the instructions and you’ll have your own website in no time. There are many price comparisons for website builders so you have plenty of information to be able to choose who is best to use for your company. There are tips on everything from choosing the name of your website domain (you can check if this is available and how much it costs for free) to choosing a theme for your website.

Making a website used to be costly and then there was the cost of advertising your website on Google or other websites, meaning many companies, especially smaller ones, were not profiting from building their own website. Now promoting a website has never been easier and you can do it for free. With social media, promoting your website to customers is super easy. The more social media accounts you have, the more promotion you can give your newly built website. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat are all great social media platforms to advertise your website on. For the likes of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram you can add the link of your website in your bio area, therefore any potential customers that visit any of your social media accounts will see this first. Snapchat has a great feature in which you can share a website link to your story so if a viewer swipes up, they will be taken to your website. If you do wish to buy promotional space on another website or on social media, this is still not as costly as it used to be and may be extremely beneficial to gaining more custom.
Building your own website really has never been easier. With so many options online there really is something for every price range and every consumer’s specialty. Having your own website has any benefits such as making it easier for customers to purchase from you online, easy access to information for customers (such as opening and closing times), trustworthiness and you could also make money advertising other companies on your website! With it being so easy to build your own website and with so many benefits, there really has never been a better time to get your business online.